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Encounter - Recovery at Trout's Copper Cavern, Part 2

The overall theme of this dungeon encounter is giant insects lurking in the dark.  This will provide a great mini dungeon for low level characters and also allow the Dungeon Master to play up some of the environmental elements to create a feeling of claustrophobia and mild horror, through the use of creepy monsters along with a bit of standing water deeper in the mine shaft.  The overall quest is a simple one: mine owner Orson Trout has hired the players to enter the mine and recover as much of the valuable mining equipment as possible.  The longer the equipment remains unattended, the greater the risk of damage or theft.

Room #1 - The Entry Chamber
A cramped tunnel leading steeply down, the ground is a mix of loose stone and mud, with an area of ankle-deep standing water.  The purpose of the entry chamber is to set the stage for the players: the ground is slippery and unstable, the room is dark, the ceilings are low (about 5 feet tall), and there is smell of dank subterranean passages.  If the players search this room, they will find a wooden crate that is partially submerged in the muddy water at the edge of the room.  The crate contains 10 lanterns and 2 flasks of oil.

There are 3 Giant Centipedes crawling on the back side of the submerged wooden crate.  If the players disturb the crate or light lamps/torches, the creatures will attack the closest player.  

Room #2 - The Workshop
This small room contains tools, lumber, and improvised work benches for repairing push carts.  There are 2 push carts against the south wall in a state of disrepair (broken handles, damaged wheels).  The tools and carts can be salvaged and brought back to the surface.  Beneath one of the overturned carts is 1 Giant Shrew that will stick out its snout and begin sniffing the air curiously.  If the players toss it some food, it will gladly remain underneath the cart.  If the players ignore it, the creature will wait for an opportunity to attack.

Room #3 - The Copper Vein
The cavern expands into a large central chamber with 30 ft. natural ceilings and an area that is partially flooded (Room 4).  Along the eastern wall of this room, the players will find a wall with an exposed copper vein, several pickaxes and shovels, canvas sacks, miner's helmet's, candles, and boxes full of rocks.

There are 4 Giant Beetles walking near the water's edge sipping from the murky looking water.  The beetles will not attack unless provoked.

Room #4 - The Flooded Staircase
The cold, dark, knee-deep water stands between the players and a rickety wooden staircase and scaffolding that has been partially erected against the western wall.  There is a body floating in the water about halfway across the room, and another body lying atop the wooden scaffolding.

Attached to the body in the water, there is 1 Giant Leech.  Swarming around the body on the scaffolding are 4 Stirges.  The corpses are both human bandits that entered the cave looking to make off with valuables.  They will each have leather armor, a short sword, and coin purse with 15 copper.

Room #5 - The Cave In
The entry tunnel to this room has caved in, with a large and impassible pile of rocks blocking access.  The room can be accessed via the tunnel at the back of Room 6.  Inside this room, the players will find the back wall has crumbled and the outer layer of rock is exposed.  There are large chunks of copper ore that can be harvested, for a total value of 12 gold.

Room #6 - The Boss Beetles
A glowing aura can be seen emanating from this smaller room.  Inside are 2 Fire Beetles and 1 Oil Beetle.  In addition to the enemies, there is a narrow tunnel leading to Room # 5.

Room #7 - The Bat Cave
Stagnant water, thick mud, and foul air fill the room.  There is another bandit corpse lying face down in a pile of guano.  From above, the ceiling undulates in shadow, with a swarm of 4 Giant Bats prepared to defend their lair.  The bandit corpse has an ornate ring on his left hand, a silver dagger, and 3 small gemstones.



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