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Encounter - Desecration of the Barrow Tomb, Part 2

In this dungeon, the players will encounter both the surviving human bandits who broke in to raid the barrow tomb and the animalistic Morlocks that dwell in the adjoining subterranean passageways.  The players will have the opportunity to explore the three tombs to get a sense of what's going on before they encounter the survivors.  The encounter can be played out in two ways: 1) with the players realizing the danger and allowing the Morlock in Room 4 to retreat back into its lair; or 2) with the players pursuing the Morlock and its allies, with a final showdown in Room 6.

Room #1 - The Tombs
Descending down crudely fashioned stone steps made slippery from the leaves that have blown in through the open doorway, you enter a large room with stone tiled flooring and natural earthen walls.  You are underground, in a place that outsiders were never meant to enter.  The desecration and disrespect are apparent immediately.  

You see the remains of a campfire, filthy bedrolls, discarded food, and the distinct smell that someone used this sacred place as a latrine.  The heavy wooden doors to the adjoining rooms to the north are slightly ajar.  And as you look to the east, you see that the heavy stone doors to the tombs have been broken, shattered, and left in rubble.  The wooden door to the south is closed, but you can hear a faint moaning from beyond.

If the players investigate the tombs, they will discover that the stones of the individual burial cairns have been scattered, leaving the decaying corpses exposed.  In one of the tombs, a hungry Carcass Scavenger is feasting on the corpse.  The monster will attack if approached or disturbed in any way.

Room #2 - The Armory
The door to this room has been partially ripped off its hinges, and there are deep claw marks on the door.  There is a body lying in the back corner of the room, still clutching a canvas sack with finely crafted silver-plated weapons spilling out.  This is one of the bandits, who recently looted the ceremonial weapons stored on ornate wooden racks in this room.  His head has been caved in with brutal force, totally collapsing his face.  He is dressed in leather armor with a hooded cloak.

Room #3 - The Shrine
The door to this room shows similar signs of damage, and there is a large stain of dried blood at the threshold.  Immediately upon entering, 2 Bandits attack from the shadows and fight to the death.  They are armed with short swords and daggers, and wear leather armor.  They have a terrified crazed look about them and have no intention of talking or negotiating.  When not fighting, the players will see that this room is a shrine to the gods of the Isvirin, the walls containing murals of proud hunters bringing food back to their tribe.  An overturned stone altar rests near the north wall, with shattered earthen jars containing incense, dried food, and piles of silver coins nearby.

Room #4 - The Feasting Hall
Entering this room, you are hit with an overpowering animal stench, as you see a beastly, hair covered humanoid calmly chewing on the leg of a still alive bandit atop a massive wooden dining table.  The bandit looks beaten, bloodied, and near death, but his crazed moans of pain send shivers through your bones.  The beastly humanoid raises his head from his meal as you enter, and slowly begins to drag the bandit deeper into the room.  

You can see that the south wall of this chamber has collapsed and leads deeper into an adjacent natural cavern.  The beastly creature calls out in a series of grunts, and you hear the sound of several footsteps coming toward the room from the direction of the caverns.

This beast man is a Morlock and if allowed to leave with the bandit, will retreat without fighting.  If the players threaten or attack, then the 3 additional Morlocks in Room 5 will join the battle.

Room #5 - The Caves  
The passageway into the burial tombs from the caverns appears to have been dug out from the cavern side, with the Morlocks entering from deeper below. There is an overwhelming sense of dread as you cross into the caves, hearing the guttural shouts and taunts echoing in the dark twisting rooms, knowing with certainty that you are entering their lair.  Natural stone steps bring the players deeper down steep passageways.

Room #6 - The Hunting Grounds
The tunnels split and fork here, creating ideal locations for ambush.  The passageways are littered with piles of discarded bones, dead-end tunnels, and pit traps.  Despite their best efforts, the players will have difficulty in tracking the Morlocks here.

Room #7 - The Spider Lair
The passageway is covered in thick spider webs crisscrossed from floor to ceiling.  If the players make it this far, they should be aware that they are lost, for the Morlocks could not have passed this way without disturbing the webbing.  If the players insist upon pushing forward, they will encounter 2 Giant Spiders.


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